Why Ghosters Always Come Back and What to Do About It (2024)

Photo by Kev Costello

Being ghosted by someone you liked is a painful experience. Maybe you’re in a bit of a shock or even disbelief because of it.

You probably thought that what you two shared was special and that he or she cared about you just as much as you cared about them. Things seemingly were going so well…

…only for them to suddenly cut you off for no reason and with no explanation!

If this just happened to you, you might be wondering: “Is he or she ever going to get back to me?”

Or perhaps someone who ghosted you just got back in touch, and now you’re really confused and don’t fully understand what they want from you at this point.

Worry no more, I got you covered!

In this post, I will share with you everything you need to know about ghosting. We’ll talk about why ghosters always come back, what does it mean when they do, and what best to do about it.

Why Ghosters Always Come Back

Imagine two people who just started dating each other. They’re both into it, things are going well, but then your date suddenly starts having second thoughts.

He or she becomes scared of how fast things have been going. They’re not sure if they’re ready for any serious commitment.

Plus, they were putting on a bit of a show to impress you, pretending to have it all figured out etc., but they just can’t keep it up anymore.

So they’re very undecided:

On one hand, they don’t want to let go and just end things. But they don’t want to continue the relationship either.

And that’s why they just ghost you.

This way, he or she doesn’t have to admit to anything to you and doesn’t have to explicitly end things either.

But at the same time, they are also making sure that the relationship doesn’t continue.

To them, ghosting is a painless solution to their dilemma.

It’s like an open-ended breakup.

In their head, you’re not dating anymore, but theoretically you could just pick up exactly where you left off, if he or she were to change their mind.

This is the reason ghosters always come back!

The very purpose of ghosting is to create uncertainty and thereby leave room for a potential change of heart.

This is also why ghosters still follow you. They want to keep tabs on you, so that they are up-to-date on what is going on in your life and can intervene if necessary.

How Long Until a Ghoster Comes Back

Firstly, I want to make clear what qualifies as ghosting.

If someone you’re dating suddenly stops replying only to get back to you a couple of days later, they haven’t ghosted you.

A few days of no contact isn’t enough to qualify as ghosting.

There are many potential reasons why your crush might stop responding.

If they dropped off the map of for about a week, or continues to do so, that’s also not really ghosting.

It’s possible that he or she is emotionally unavailable and has trouble letting you become a part of their life.

Another possibility is that they are hiding something, like a depression, an addiction or worse, another relationship…

Still, a few days up to a week of silence isn’t enough to qualify as ghosting.

How long does it take for a proper ghoster to come back then?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any reliable statistics on this.

But a lot of you guys have shared your stories with me in your comments and emails. Based on what you’ve told me, on average, a ghoster takes about 3 to 6 moths to come back.

But this is just an estimation. There is no fixed time frame for this.

It all depends on the situation and on their character.

Some ghosters come back after a month, some get in touch after a year of no contact, others never come back.

This brings me to my next point…

Do Ghosters Ever Regret Ghosting

The short answer is: no they don’t.

I know this might be shocking and hard to hear, but let me reassure you right away: it doesn’t mean that you were completely wrong about him or her, and that they didn’t care about you at all.

The reason why ghosters don’t regret ghosting is because, in their head, they haven’t lost you yet.

To them, it’s an open-ended breakup. They think they can just get back to you and win you over again. So in a way, they feel like there is nothing to regret YET.

The only time when a ghoster might start regretting what they’ve done is when they try to restart the relationship, and you’re not interested anymore.

Only then he or she might start having serious regrets.

What Does It Mean When a Guy or a Girl Ghosts You and Then Comes Back

This probably makes you wonder: “if he or she doesn’t regret ghosting me, then why did they come back?”

There are many reasons why people ghost, but there is only one reason why they come back:

When a guy or a girl comes back after ghosting you, it means: they are still attracted to you and want you again.

Does it mean you’re special to them and that they really care about you, though?

No, unfortunately not.

A guy or a girl who is a ghoster isn’t mature enough to experience this kind of serious attachment.

Him or her coming back after a long time apart could indicate that you two shared something deeper and that they missed you.

But it could also be because some other girl or guy just dumped them, and they want to feel less lonely.

Or maybe they noticed that you were about to move on and barged in to prevent it. They might not want a serious relationship, but they don’t want anyone else to have you either.

Now that you know that a ghoster coming back means that he or she wants you again, let’s discuss what your most strategic next move should be.

Should You Take a Ghoster Back

You should almost never take a ghoster back.

He or she did this to you once already, they are bound to ghost you again.

Even if they don’t, they have already shown you that they can’t be trusted.

Regardless how special things might have felt with this guy or this girl, it wasn’t for real. He or she was pretending to be someone they are not and hasn’t been honest with you.

A guy or a girl who is truly in love with you, would never treat you this way.

If he or she truly cared about you, they would have told you what was going on, they also wouldn’t be stringing you along and keeping things vague on purpose.

So this is the reasonable thing to do, but I know that when it comes to the matters of heart, people hardly ever act reasonably…

I myself took my boyfriend back after he broke up with me three times. (He never ghosted me though…)

Still, I was definitely doing the unreasonable thing back then, and it actually turned out great. We are now happily married, we’re running this website together, and we’re helping other people with their relationship problems.

I also know from a lot of your guy’s comments that saying no to a ghoster is often easier said than done.

So if you need some help knowing what’s the right thing to do in your particular case, I’m more than happy to support you with this, in a coaching call!

Why Ghosters Always Come Back and What to Do About It (1)

Here, I’ll listen to your story and help you make sense of it.

We’ll then make a plan and give you tips on what to say and do, so that you can either get closure, or regain control and feel secure with them again.

Click Here to Check Out Our Coaching Calls

If you feel frustrated that you just keep on falling for the wrong kind of men, you might find some helpful tips in my other post: How To Finally Find The Right Guy

And in case you have any questions, leave me a comment below, I’ll answer them there!


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Karolina Bartnik

Karolina is a co-founder of the SimplyTogether blog. She and her husband Gabriel went from frustrating fights and breakups to successfully building a lasting and loving relationship. Read their story here!

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Why Ghosters Always Come Back and What to Do About It (2024)


Why Ghosters Always Come Back and What to Do About It? ›

Some ghoster

Ghosting, simmering and icing are colloquial terms which describe the practice of suddenly ending all communication and avoiding contact with another person without any apparent warning or explanation and ignoring any subsequent attempts to communicate.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ghosting_(behavior)
s come back because they want favors or emotional support. On the other hand, a ghoster could come back if they miss you. Your ghoster might not even know that they ghosted you, so clarify the situation (and your needs) with them before moving forward. Try not to make assumptions on their intentions.

What to do when a ghoster reappears? ›

When He Ghosts You and Comes Back: 11 Things You Should Do
  1. Think about whether he's worth it. ...
  2. Ask him why he did it. ...
  3. Think about whether you'd do the same. ...
  4. Keep him at arm's length. ...
  5. Listen to your gut. ...
  6. Talk to someone you trust. ...
  7. Let go of your need for revenge. ...
  8. Think like a queen who knows her worth.
Apr 25, 2023

How do you make a ghoster regret? ›

The 12 Best Ways to Make a Guy Regret Ghosting You
  1. Ignore him if he reaches out.
  2. Give him the brush off if you see him in public.
  3. Practice self-care so you're feeling your best.
  4. Dress your best when you go out.
  5. Act confident.
  6. Focus on having fun and doing what you love.

Do Ghosters ever regret ghosting? ›

In some cases, they might regret losing the person they ghosted because they realize what they had was good or they are now ready for commitment. Some ghosters may start feeling regretful about their ghosting behavior months or years later.

How many days of no contact is ghosting? ›

Sure, everyone has emergencies or can come up with a valid excuse for not responding, but letting things linger for three days or longer is enough to categorise it as a ghosted situation. Three days is a decent amount of time to wait.

Why would a ghoster return? ›

Ghosters return when they're struggling and need a shoulder to lean on. Your ghoster might hit a rough patch in life; maybe they're arguing with a friend or having trouble at work. Suppose they suddenly text you out of the blue and immediately start telling you about some dilemma or problem they're having.

Do Ghosters feel guilty? ›

Bottom line: Some ghosters feel guilt about their actions, but research suggests that they typically move on from the guilt once they no longer have contact with the ghostee.

Does ghosting hurt the ghoster? ›

Ghosting doesn't just impact the ghosted; it also is a detriment to the ghoster. The bottom line here is that ghosting is either a passive aggressive way to end a relationship, or it is the “easy way out.” Either way, it's not doing the ghoster any favors in their ability to communicate with others.

What is the mentality of a ghoster? ›

Someone who chooses to ghost another individual may be showing their emotional state and maturity level instead. Ghosting allows people to avoid conflict and not have to deal with the repercussions or their decision.

Can a ghoster be forgiven? ›

Ghosting can be manipulative.

Most ghosting scenarios are unforgivable, so when/if a ghoster reappears don't give them the satisfaction of a second chance or forgiveness.

What is the humiliation of being ghosted? ›

When you are ghosted, you are experiencing a previously good feeling turn into something negative. This disruption often comes without warning, so the typical human response is to feel shame. However, once you acknowledge your pain, you can take back your power and move on from the situation in a graceful manner.

Are Ghosters selfish? ›

If we're being real, it's easier to ignore a problem until it just goes away than having to face an uncomfortable situation, but ghosting is selfish and cowardly. "Though a ghoster's intentions aren't necessarily malicious, the behavior is ultimately selfish and childish," says Meyers.

Is ghosting emotional immaturity? ›

Emotional Immaturity

An emotionally immature person may ghost someone because they do not know how to express themselves and cannot cope with the discomfort of confrontation and honest conversation. They may also not feel any sense of responsibility towards other people and how they are feeling.

What to text after being ghosted? ›

Since I haven't heard from you in a while, I think I'm going to move on. For me, this has run its course. I'm assuming you're no longer interested. While I would have liked to have been told this directly, I still wish you the best in your future dating pursuits.

How long is too long to be ghosted? ›

Some people say after 3 days, it is officially ghosting, but an increasing number of people say that's too long. If you don't hear something after 24 hours, consider yourself ghosted.

What do you say to someone who ghosted you? ›

Texts To Send If You Want Closure
  • “I am getting the sense I'm getting ghosted. ...
  • “I enjoyed getting to know you the last few weeks, but I realize our time has come to a close. ...
  • “Since you do not feel comfortable sharing your feelings about what our deal is, I will close the door for us.
Feb 1, 2022

How do you get a ghoster closure? ›

To gain closure in a situation where you feel you've been ghosted, Meide says it can help to send a message by saying something like, “Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while. I'm not sure what happened, but I don't want to continue pursuing this. My time is valuable and I don't want to leave this door open.

Should I give a ghoster a second chance? ›

Your decision should factor in how long you two have been talking or dating, as well as your own feelings after getting ghosted. "If there is no history of ghosting in the past, an expression of a genuine heartfelt apology, and an explanation of the behavior, I may consider it," she says.

Should you text someone who ghosted you? ›

Overwhelmingly, all the experts we consulted recommend not texting anything after being ghosted. We know! It's hard. Sending a message is just not worth your time or energy, especially since you can't control the response.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.